Directorate of Accreditation & Ranking (A & R) and
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Year of Establishment: 2009

The concept of "net zero" has emerged as a pivotal focal point in the global fight against climate change. This term denotes a state in which the greenhouse gases released into the Earth's atmosphere are meticulously counterbalanced by their removal, thus effectively halting the progression of global warming. The urgency of achieving net zero emissions, particularly concerning carbon dioxide (CO2), cannot be overstated, as it represents the turning point at which we can curtail the devastating impacts of climate change.

The journey towards "net zero" encompasses a multifaceted approach, involving both the reduction of emissions and the escalation of removal efforts. Given the challenging timeline, it is evident that reaching absolute zero emissions in the foreseeable future will be a formidable task. Thus, the notion of "net" zero assumes significance, highlighting the imperative of sustained efforts to harmonize emissions and removals. In this pursuit, it is crucial to ensure the permanence of greenhouse gas removals, preventing their return to the atmosphere. As the global community rallies behind the goal of net zero, it is incumbent upon us to explore diverse strategies, alliances, and innovations to propel progress towards a more sustainable and climate-resilient future.


This policy serves as a comprehensive framework outlining our mission to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. We understand the urgency of this mission in mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change and shaping a sustainable future. Through this policy, we articulate our commitment to responsible environmental practices and the principles that will guide us.

Commitment to Net Zero
  1. Reduction Strategies : GITAM Deemed to be University's commitment to net zero emissions is underpinned by a multifaceted approach that encompasses various critical strategies.
  2. Energy Consumption Reduction : Our energy consumption reduction strategy is multifaceted and ambitious, with a target to decrease energy use by 30% by 2030.
  3. Building Improvements : We will embark on a comprehensive program to enhance the energy efficiency of our buildings. This will include measures such as upgrading insulation, optimizing HVAC systems, and retrofitting with energy-efficient lighting
  4. Energy-Efficient Appliances : To drive down energy consumption, we will systematically replace outdated appliances and equipment with energy-efficient alternatives across our campuses.
  5. Conservation Promotion : We are committed to fostering a culture of energy conservation among our community members. Awareness campaigns, training programs, and incentives for energy-saving behaviors will be implemented.
Investment in Renewable Energy

To reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to clean and sustainable energy sources, we will actively invest in renewable energy.

  1. Solar Panels :We will implement large-scale solar panel installations on our campuses, harnessing the power of sunlight to generate clean energy.
  2. Wind Power : Exploring wind power projects to harness the energy of the wind and contribute to our renewable energy portfolio.
  3. Additional Projects : GITAM will continue to explore and invest in innovative renewable energy initiatives that align with our sustainability objectives.
Energy Efficiency Enhancement

Our commitment to energy efficiency enhancement includes rigorous measures to optimize our energy consumption

  1. Energy Audits : Regular energy audits of our buildings will be conducted to identify inefficiencies and implement corrective measures.
  2. Insulation and Lighting Upgrades : Comprehensive upgrades will be undertaken, including improving insulation and replacing conventional lighting systems with energy-efficient alternatives.
  3. Smart Metering : We will deploy smart metering systems to monitor and analyze energy consumption in real-time. This data-driven approach will guide continuous improvements in energy efficiency.
Reducing Reliance on Fossil Fuels

GITAM is committed to reducing its dependence on fossil fuels.

  1. Promoting Sustainable TransportationWe will actively promote sustainable transportation options, including public transportation, carpooling, and the use of electric or hybrid vehicles within our community.
  2. Emissions OffsetRecognizing that achieving absolute zero emissions is a complex endeavor, we commit to offsetting any remaining emissions.
  3. Carbon CreditsWe will purchase carbon credits to compensate for emissions that cannot be eliminated through reduction measures. These credits will support projects focused on greenhouse gas reduction, such as reforestation initiatives and investments in renewable energy infrastructure.

The GITAM Net Zero Policy underscores our unwavering dedication to a sustainable future. This policy not only serves as a roadmap for our collective effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also as a testament to our commitment to addressing climate change challenges. By prioritizing sustainability and responsible environmental practices, GITAM Deemed to be University is determined to lead by example in fostering a climate-resilient and environmentally responsible future.